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Contemporary Chinese Art- another kind of view

DSL Collection

Artist Statement on Red Soil
Upon the completion of the ambitious 4?\panel work after months of diligent work, what I feel the strongest about is
how to grasp and express contradictions. First and foremost is the subject matter. The interspersion of men and
mountain landscapes indicate the conflicts and contradictions between society and nature, and the strong color
scheme further strengthens the opposition between chaos and order. Secondly, the magnificent mountain landscapes
and the dim?\colored uniforms form a deep contrast, underlying the consequences of human activities on the
environment and the worrying conditions of the masses at the bottom of social echelon. Corrupt practice and lack of
balance in the social structure are main themes for the creating this work. Blind?\folded men holding sign boards
symbolize big?\power and hypocritical politics , whereas men trapped in the mountains are trying to change
themselves. For them, it is either falling to corruption or struggling to survive. The Coke?\cola can became magical
tokens from the Chinese gods ?C a self depreciating irony of the pervasive impact of foreign cultures in China. These
intricate contradictions constitute the final work of Red Soil.
Ge Guanzhong
Ink and color on paper, 230 x 480cm